UNIFY #LoveWater

Water Unifies us All. On March 22nd, 306 cities joined around the world for a Synchronized Water Ceremony. People from every culture UNIFied to restore our relationship with this sacred medium of life.

We invite you to join again on April 22nd, Earth Day, for a Global Synchronized Seed planting. People all around the world planting our intentions into the ground.

Between now and then, fill up a glass water container with fresh water and write your intention on the container.

On EarthDay, plant your seeds into the ground and pour your intention on it. Plant as many seeds as you like and charge up as much water as you'd like.

Together, our collective intention will root to the core of our Mother Earth and sprout into manifestation for the June Solstice.

Join us as we catalyze a global movement of beauty, love and truth.


LoveWater is a year long campaign that will transform our specie's relationship to water in every way possible.

UNIFY.org is a platform created to support the emergence of the Spiritual Renaissance happening on the planet.

Go to www.unify.org to learn more.

Deepest Blessings to you,

- www.UNIFY.org

Thank you to the Blaneys for being a solid example for our planet and thank you to everyone who worked hard to make this video happen. We Love You!

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Thank you to Charity Water & Planet Earth for all the great work you do in the world and creating content that moves and inspires people into action.


Introduction to Water - Sanitation and Hygiene


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