Water Crisis (Motion Graphics)

This is the final project for my Diploma in Multimedia Design. Created in two months individually, from choosing the theme, scripting, storyboarding, editing to rendering. Softwares used were Adobe Illustrator and AfterEffects CS 6 (no plug-ins, just few codings for expression).

When I found out the theme is sustainability, I went straight with water crisis because I was inspired by Charity:Water (I pledged my birthday earlier this year through their program and raised $500 for Rwanda, how cool is that?), besides I think most people are not aware of water crisis and its terrible effects.

Find out how you can pledge your birthday, or help in other ways here: charitywater.org

And don't forget to share & let me know what you think, comments and feedbacks are highly appreciated!


Introduction to Water - Sanitation and Hygiene


America's Water Infrastructure is Falling Apart